414 SuperMag


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Based on the .41 Magnum cartridge, the 414 SuperMag never really caught on, partly due to a medium range performance that was not that different to the well-established .44 Magnum. Consequently, the cartridge was never adopted by any of the major commercial ammunition producers, although custom ammunition producers listed it, loaded with Starline brass. Dan Wesson did commence chambering their 8” barrelled, heavy frame revolver for it in 2000, the numbers were small, due to lack of demand and terminated by their Chapter 11 bankruptcy. They also offered ‘factory’ .414 Super Mag ammunition, based upon Starline cases topped with a 220-grain TC bullet, now highly collectable itself. Thompson Center were the only other manufacturer to catalogue the calibre, offering various lengths of chambered barrel for their single-shot T/C Contender. A revolver designed for the .414 SuperMag can also fire the shorter .41 Magnum and the .41 Special cartridges.

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210gr Hornady XTP




50rds per box


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